5. Data Report
The device will immediately send a report of the version package and a report data with atmospheric pressure and temperature
The device sends data in the default configuration before any configuration is done.
Maximum time: Max Interval = 15min
Minimum time: Min Interval = 15min (The current voltage value is detected every Min Interval according to the default.)
Default reportchange:
BatteryChange ---- 0x01 (0.1v)
PressureChange ---- 0x000A (1 hPa)
TemperatureChange ---- 0x0064 (1
1. The unit of air pressure in the data packet is 0.01hPa, and the unit of air pressure change is 0.1hPa.
Notice the difference between the two units.
2.The cycle that the device reporting the data is configurated before shipment.
3.The interval between two reports must be the minimum time
(If there is special customized shipment, the setting is changed according to customer requirements.)
The data parsing reported by the device is referenced by the Netvox LoraWAN Application Command document and
Data report configuration and sending period are as following:
Min Interval
(Unit: second)
Max Interval
(Unit: second)
Reportable Change
Current Change
Reportable Change
Current Change
Reportable Change
Any number between
Any number between
Can not be 0
per Min Interval
per Max Interval