Dynamic Leg support
1. iNtroDuCtioN to Netti DYNaMiC leg
The concepT: neTTi Dynamic SySTem
What is Netti DYNaMiC
Netti Dynamic system is a tilt and
recline wheelchair which allows con-
trolled open Kinetic Chain (oK-C)
movements of the user. static comfort
wheelchairs can be accommodated
to support the user’s distal segments.
the controlled oK-C movement has
an extra impact: the distal segments
can move, with a moderate resist-
ance. oK-C helps to gain control of the
proximal segments, especially when
the user cannot inhibit muscle move-
ments due to their medical condition.
Before using Netti Dynamic system
(NDs) or any of its components, a
seating assessment should be carried
out by a trained professional.
typically Netti Dynamic system or its
components may be used for wheel-
chair users with involuntary move-
ments. examples of involuntary move-
ments are:
- Dystonia (involuntary, sustained
or intermittent muscle contractions
that can cause twisting and repeti-
tive movements, abnormal posture
or both. Muscle tone varies from
normal or hypotonia to hypertonia.
- athetosis (slow, involuntary writh-
ing movement)
- Chorea (brief, irregular jerking
- tremor (this is a rhythmic move -
ment of part of the body)
- hemiballism (these are wild fling-
ing/throwing movements of one
arm or leg, usually occurring as a
result of a cerebrovascular event)
- Clonus (rapid muscle jerks that are
frequently repetitive)
a more detailed description of di-
agnosis and Netti Dynamic product
recommendations is described in the
user Manual of the total Netti Dynamic