OptiView XG Network Analysis Tablet
Getting Started Guide
Enabling the Wi-Fi Adapters
If NETSCOUT received approval to enable the Wi-Fi adapters for use in your country before your OptiView XG
was shipped to you, and you purchased a model with wireless capabilities, the Wi-Fi adapters are already
If NETSCOUT received approval to enable the Wi-Fi adapters for use in your country after your OptiView XG
was shipped to you and you purchased a model with wireless capabilities, you can enable your Wi-Fi adapters
by contacting your sales representative and obtaining a power control key for a nominal fee. To determine
whether the Wi-Fi adapters are enabled
powered on, select the OptiView Power Control icon in the
system tray.
Figure 21. Power Control Icon
Wi-Fi Adapters Not Enabled
If the Wi-Fi adapters have not been enabled, a dialog will be displayed as shown below. To enable the wireless
capabilities, enter a power control key.
If NETSCOUT receives approval to enable Wi-Fi adapters in your country after you purchase the OptiView XG,
you can call NETSCOUT Technical Assistance Center to obtain a power control key for a nominal fee. Please
Figure 22. Power Control Dialog