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[ENG] 4.2. [DKSF 48.5 IU] How to Detect a Unique ID number of a 1-Wire Temperature Sensor?
To read a unique Id of a 1-Wire sensor, there is a need to go to the page «
» of a device web interface:
To determine a unique Id using a web interface, there is a need to do as follows:
Unplug all 1-Wire sensors from a device;
Plug a sensor, which unique number you want to know to a device;
Go to the address
or go to the page «
» of a web interface. A unique Id of a sensor
will be displayed in the browser window.
A unique number of a 1-Wire sensor looks like the following
(16 hexadecimal digits
: 2818 0ea2 0600 0039
To plug a 1-Wire sensor, copy its unique number from this page to a corresponding field at the page of a web interface.