NB3000-Line-Hd User Manual 4.2
5.7.7. Events
By using the event manager you can notify remote systems about system events. A notifica-
tion can be sent using E-Mail, SMS or SNMP traps.
Event Notification Settings
E-Mail address
The E-Mail address to which the notification shall be sent (E-
Mail client must be enabled)
Phone number
The phone number to which the notification shall be sent (SMS
service must be enabled)
SNMP host
The SNMP host or address to which the trap shall be sent
SNMP port
The port of the remote SNMP service
The username for accessing the remote SNMP service
The password for accessing the remote SNMP service
The authentication algorithm for accessing the remote SNMP
service (MD5 or SHA)
The encryption algorithm for accessing the remote SNMP ser-
vice (DES or SHA)
Engine ID
The engine ID of the remote SNMP service
The messages will contain a description provided by you and a short system information.
A list of all system events can be found in the appendix