User M anual
Internet Access Filtering
Figure 4-51
Status: the default is disable. The rules of “Internet access control” based on source IP,
port number and protocol.
Description: describe IP Firewall list to tell from different IP Firewall lists.
Rule: you can select permit or deny. The default is permit.
Source IP address: input the source IP address that you want to control. The default
format is ***.***.***.***(e.g:
Protocol and Port: If the rule has already existed in “Protocol Template”. You can select
appropriate item and apply it. Or you can input protocol type and port number manually,
click “add” button, then the item will displayed in the list.
Follow the following steps to set Internet Access Control:
1. You can select “enable” and click “Save” to enable “IP Firewall” function. This is only the
first step, you should continued to create appropriate rules for “IP Firewall”.
2. Input description information for current access control rule in the “Description” field. Input
IP address of host you want to restrict.
3. There are two items supplied, “Permit through the router for IP address listed, others are
denied” and “Deny through the router for IP address listed, others are permitted”, Select the