9. To view detected neighbor access points and move them from the Unknown AP List
to the Known AP List, do the following:
a. Click the Unknown AP List tab.
b. If no access points display, click the Refresh button.
c. Select the check boxes for the access points that you are familiar with and that
you trust.
d. Click the << Move to Known AP List button.
e. Click the Known AP List tab.
The selected access points display in the Known AP List.
Note: You can delete access points from the Known AP List. After being detected,
these access points once more display in the Unknown AP List.
10. Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Import an existing neighbor access point list in the Known
AP List
You can import a list with MAC addresses of known neighbor access points in the Known
AP List.
The file with MAC addresses must be in the following format:
Entries in the file must be MAC addresses only in hexadecimal format with each octet
separated by a hyphen, for example 00-11-22-33-44-55.
User Manual
Manage Access and Security
Insight Managed WiFi 6E AXE7800 Tri-band Multi-Gig Access Point Model WAX630E