NETGEAR ProSafe FR114P Specifications Download Page 1

F R 114 P

ProSafe™ Firewall/Print Server

w i t h   4 - p o r t   1 0 / 1 0 0   M b p s   s w i t c h

T h o r o u g h l y

P r o t e c t e d

B u s i n e s s - C l a s s

S e c u r i t y

U s e r   F r i e n d l y

F l e x i b l e &

D u r a b l e


Firewall Router


Desktop PCs with

FA311 Network Card 





T y p i c a l   N e t w o r k

S e t u p

• Help is there when you need it! 

NETGEAR  provides 24x7 
telephone and e-mail technical 
support* in English, with selected 
local language support during 
office hours.

U l t i m a t e   S e c u r i t y   w i t h   T r u e   F i r e w a l l ,   R o u t i n g   a n d
P a r a l l e l   P r i n t   S e r v e r

Total protection! That’s what your office network gets with NETGEAR’s ProSafe Firewall/Print
Server. This ICSA certified, true firewall is broadband-capable, and provides you with the
utmost in business class security – Denial of Service (DoS) protection and Intrusion Detection
using Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI), URL access and content filtering, logging, reporting, 
and real-time alerts. VPN pass-through maximizes network security with access control and
encryption. And a built-in print server removes the bottleneck of a dedicated PC print server
and supports multiple print jobs simultaneously. With 4 auto-sensing, switched LAN ports 
and Network Address Translation (NAT) routing, up to 253 users can access your broadband
connection at the same time. There’s even a 100 Mbps WAN port for future high-speed 
broadband services. Smart Wizard install assistant gets your network up and running in minutes.

Has everything you want for maximum security coverage: ICSA certified, True Firewall using
Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) and Intrusion Detection features, Denial of Service (DoS) attack
protection and, for extra safeguarding, VPN pass-through. There's even a Kensington Lock


on the unit to prevent theft. 

VPN pass-through allows for safeguarded connections to branch offices and your “on-the-go”
mobile workforce. Network Address Translation (NAT) routing enables shared access to your 
broadband connection. Includes Web page URL content filtering and sends you e-mail notification
of network activity – reporting and tracking of hacker attempts – as well as real-time alerts.

Smart Wizard connects to your ISP quickly; the easy-to-use Web-based configuration screen and
Install Assistant reduce setup time. Remote administration capability makes connecting to multiple
sites a breeze. The FR114P has an integrated 4-port 10/100 Mbps switch and is compatible with
Windows, UNIX, Macintosh, and Linux. It even comes with an Ethernet cable (up to $15 value).

Support for DHCP (client and server) as well as PPPoE allows for easy, widespread deployment.
The rugged metal unit houses advanced, high-quality chip sets, and NETGEAR’s tested and proven
technology is backed by a 3-year warranty.

Everybody’s connecting.
