NETGEAR POE101 Specifications Download Page 1

P O E 1 0 1

Po w e r   O v e r   E t h e r n e t   A d a p t e r s

C o n n e c t i v i t y,   P o w e r,   E t h e r n e t   –   R i g h t   W h e r e   Yo u
N e e d   I t  

Get power for your NETGEAR 802.11b Access Point where you need it! NETGEAR's

Power Over Ethernet Adapters make it easy for you to extend the reach of your wireless

local network. They provide an ideal way to locate an access point in a building ceiling

or attic for optimal radio coverage – closer to an antenna – without requiring a nearby

AC power outlet. Consisting of a base unit and a terminal unit, this useful set of

adapters can extend the placement of a wireless access point by up to 328 feet (100

meters) using standard Category 5 Ethernet cable. At the same time, the adapters 

protect the access point or other device from potential power surge damage.

Gives you the freedom to mount your wireless access points or other devices virtually 
anywhere inside your building, including areas where you may not have power and/or
Ethernet access, so you can make the most of your wireless or Ethernet network. Supports 
distances up to 328 feet.

Reduces signal loss through an antenna cable and eliminates the threat of power surge damage
to your connected devices. 

Thorough testing ensures quality and dependable operability, which NETGEAR backs up
with a 2-year warranty. 

F a r - R e a c h i n g

P r o t e c t i v e

U n f a i l i n g

Everybody’s Connecting.

• Help is there when you need it! 

NETGEAR  provides 24x7 
telephone and e-mail technical 
support in English, with selected 
local language support during 
office hours.
