NETGEAR ME103 - 802.11b ProSafe Wireless Access Point Specifications Download Page 1

M E 1 0 3

802.11b ProSafe Wireless Access Point

E f f e c t i v e

I n t e l l i g e n t

S a f e g u a r d e d

U n c o m p l i c a t e d

Desktop PC with

MA111 802.11b
Wireless USB Adapter

Notebook PC with

MA521 802.11b 
Wireless PC Card

FVL328 ProSafe 
VPN Firewall

ME103 ProSafe
802.11b Wireless
Access Point

Desktop PC with

FA311 PCI Adapter



Notebook PC with

MA111 802.11b
Wireless USB Adapter

Desktop PC with

MA311 802.11b 
Wireless PCI Adapter

PDA with

MA701 802.11b
Wireless Compact 
Flash Card


Everybody’s Connecting.

T y p i c a l   N e t w o r k

S e t u p

• Help is there when you need it! 

NETGEAR  provides 24x7 
technical support in English 
with selected local language 
support during office hours. 

S e c u r e ,   E n t e r p r i s e - c l a s s   F u n c t i o n a l i t y   a t  
a n   A f f o r d a b l e   P r i c e

Delivering excellent value for the money, NETGEAR’s 802.11b ProSafe Wireless Access Point 

provides your business network with high-speed, multi-faceted, secure mobile access at a very

affordable price. This powerful access point is packed with features to give your wireless mobile

workforce the best in continuous industry-standard 11 Mbps access to corporate network

resources, e-mail and the Internet. Fully compatible with IEEE 802.11b (2.4 GHz) and forward

compatible with 802.11g, this is the future-proof way to quickly set up a new wireless network or

extend an existing Ethernet network. It supports roaming within an office, and ensures maximum

privacy with the highest available level of 128-bit WEP encryption, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)*,

802.1x and VPN pass-through support, and MAC address filtering.

IEEE 802.11b at 11 Mbps takes care of your business communications with speed and skill. 
Dynamic rate shifting guarantees the fastest possible connections. External detachable antennas can 
easily be upgraded to extend range for wider coverage. NETGEAR provides a comprehensive set of
antenna accessories. 

Supports five operational modes including Wireless Distribution System (WDS) for bridging and
repeater functionality*; Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) MIB I and MIB II support*;
Power over Ethernet support with separate PoE module; 802.1x port-based authentication protocol 
support with Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) MD5, Transport Layer Security (TLS), Protected
EAP (PEAP)*, and Tunneled TLS (TTLS)*.

Up-to-date WLAN security with 40/64 and128-bit WEP encryption. WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
available with a future firmware upgrade for enhanced, interoperable, forward-compatible Wi-Fi security.
Includes MAC address authentication and VPN pass-through.

Easy on your budget, simple to install and use. Dynamic rate shifting automatically matches the best
connection speed, and Auto Network Connect keeps users connected to the network, even while 
roaming. Equipped with two detachable 2dBi antennas. Smart Antennas and accessories available, 
sold separately.
