Table 2. Model GS316EP, GS316EPP LEDs on the front panel
Solid green: The switch is powered on and operating normally.
Off: Power is not supplied to the switch.
Power LED
Off: Sufficient (more than 7W of) PoE power is available.
Solid yellow: Less than 7W of PoE power is available.
Blinking yellow: At least once during the previous two minutes, less than 7W of PoE
power was available.
Solid green: 1000 Mbps link on this port.
Blinking green: 1000 Mbps activity on this port.
Solid yellow: A valid 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps port link is established.
Blinking yellow: 100 Mbps or 10 Mbps activity on this port.
Off: No link is detected on this port.
Left port LED
Solid green: The port is delivering PoE power.
Off: The port is not delivering PoE power.
Solid yellow: A PoE fault occurred.
Right port LED
1000BASE-X SFP slots
To enable fiber, copper, or long-distance connections on the switch, SFP slots
accommodate standard 1G SFP transceiver modules, which are sold separately.
For information about specific NETGEAR SFP transceiver modules and cables that are
supported for the switch, visit netgear.com/business/wired/switches/ and click the
ACCESSORIES tab, or see the datasheet for your specific switch.
User Manual
Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switches