NetComm Wireless 4G M2M Router
Enable LWM2M
Toggles the OMA-LWM2M function on and off.
Server URL
The URL of the LWM2M server. This must begin with coap:// or coaps:// and include the server port number.
The correct syntax for this field is coap://
<server IP or domain name>
<port number>.
The Server URL field
performs validation on the entered address so the field must contain an address in the correct format.
Listen port (normal)
The port that the router listens on for LWM2M.
Listen port (secure)
When using DTLS (coaps), enter the port that the router listens on for secure connections.
Security type (only used when
Server URL starts with coaps://)
When selected, this uses DTLS with the NULL cipher, therefore, it provides no security.
Pre-shared key mode. Keys are typically a string of text saved into a text file. We recommend creating a
key at least 32 bytes in size to enhance your security.
Raw Public Key. The key is an EC key in DER format. It must contain both public and private keys. When
RPK is selected, the Client ID field is not used. You can generate a raw public key using commands such as:
openssl ecparam -out 256.key -name secp256r1
openssl ec -in 256.key -outform der -out 256.der
Client id (only used when Server
URL starts with coaps:// and
Security type is PSK)
When server is a coaps:// address and security type is set to PSK, the Client id acts as a means of identifying
the client, similar to a username.
Client key (only used when Server
URL starts with coaps:// and
Security type is PSK or RPK)
This field is used to upload the key file used when security type is set to PSK, delete the uploaded key file or
show the currently stored key.
Respond to any IP
When turned on, this feature adds a firewall rule that allows the router to respond to any IP address on the
designated port. This eases the restrictions that requests must come from servers the client is currently
registered with. We recommend that this feature is turned off for normal use.
When set to the ON position, this specifies that the Server URL field points to a bootstrap server.
Read only
When set to the ON position, this allows read only access to all LWM2M settings. Writing new values and
executing commands are not permitted. When set to OFF, values may be read, written and executed.
Table 23
OMA Lightweight M2M configuration options
Supported objects
The objects and instances used by NetComm Wireless routers are all part of the Open Mobile Alliance and IPSO Alliance approved
list. At this time, there are no NetComm-specific objects or instances. For more information on the Lightweight M2M specifications,
please visit the Open Mobile Alliance Specifications for Public Comment website:
Most mobile networks use stateful firewalls or NAT where the timeout for UDP is approximately 1-2 minutes. If this applies to you,
configure your server to change the 'lifetime' (resource 1/0/1) to be shorter than the default 86400. We suggest setting it to 60.
Supported ciphers
NULL (only if "NoSec" explicitly selected)
Others may be negotiated by OpenSSL during connection