GmbH | Freudenstädter Str. 37-43 | 72280 Dornstetten
| www.g-nestle.de
Warning and safety instructions
The operator must ensure that all users understand and follow these instructions.
Intended use
Calculation with software.
Record the measurements.
Execution of measuring tasks with different GNSS measuring techniques.
Record GNSS and point related data.
Improper use
Use of the product without instruction.
Use outside of the intended use and application limits.
Inactivation of safety devices.
Removal of information or warning signs.
Opening the product with tools, e.g. Screwdriver unless specifically allowed for certain cases.
Implementation of modifications or changes to the product.
Use of the product with visible defects or damage.
Use of accessories from other manufacturers that are not expressly approved by Gottlieb Nestle GmbH.
Inadequate protective measures on site.
Control of machines, moving objects etc. in surveillance applications or similar, without additional
monitoring and security devices.
The product must not be disposed of with household waste. Dispose of the product properly.
Follow the national, country-specific disposal regulations.
Protect the product from access by unauthorized persons at all times.
Limits of use
See chapter "Technical data".
The product is suitable for use in a permanently habitable atmosphere.
The product must not be used in potentially explosive or aggressive environments.
The local safety authority and those responsible for safety must be contacted by the operator before
working in a hazardous environment, near electrical systems or similar situations.
Before every start-up
Check the product for possible damage before commissioning.