Nespresso CitiZ&Milk D120 User Manual Download Page 1

* Ma machine

Summary of Contents for CitiZ&Milk D120

Page 1: ...Ma machine...


Page 3: ...dmainsconnections Makesure thatthevoltageofthepowersourceisthesameasthatspecifiedontheratingplate Theuseofan incorrectconnectionvoidsthewarranty The appliance must only be connected after installation...

Page 4: Donotusetheappliancewithoutthedriptrayanddripgridtoavoidspillinganyliquidonsurrounding surfaces Donotuseanystrongcleaningagentorsolventcleaner Useadampclothandmildcleaningagenttoclean thesurfaceoft...

Page 5: ...8 1 5 mm2 EN KO 4 5...

Page 6: ...48...

Page 7: ...0min ofnon use initialsetting itcanbeadjusted Switchoff pressandholdbothbut tons Switchbackonandreleasebuttons immediately InPowersavemodebuttonsfade in outevery5sec Toexitpressany button UseEspressob...

Page 8: ...hisresistantto water coffee descalerorotherfluids FIRST USE OR AFTER A LONG PERIOD OF NON USE Plugintomainsthen switchON Heatingup Ready Rinse Letwaterrun throughx6 Removeplasticfilm Fillwatertankwith...

Page 9: ...DAILy BEFORE 1ST COFFEE Fillwatertankwith drinkingwater SwitchON Heatingup Ready NOTICE Whileheatingupyoucan pre selectyourcoffee SeeCOFFEEPREPARATION EN KO 2 4 1 3 8 9...

Page 10: ...PREHEAT COFFEE CUP TIPPreheatedcoffeecupskeepyourcoffeewarmer forlonger or Placecup Emptycup Pressanybuttonandlet waterrunthrough Openandcloseleverto ejectusedcapsule Espressocup Lungocup 2 4 1 3...

Page 11: ...or Lungobutton Flowspeeddependson coffeevariety COFFEE PREPARATION Placecup Insertcapsule Close NOTICEDamagepossible Neverusedeformed capsules Ready Whileheatingupyoucanpre selectyourcoffee Oncethe ma...

Page 12: ...ARNINGRiskofelectricalshockandfire Makesuretheundersideofthemilkfrotherisdry Placemilkfrotheronconnector Milkfrotherisprovidedwith 1whisk 1mixer or Attachwhiskormixer see Recipesection Fillmilkfrother...

Page 13: ...lindicated Milkfroth 2NespressoCappuccinocups 1NespressoRecipeglass Hotmilk 2NespressoRecipeglasses Milkfrother sminimumlevel Makesuretocoverthebaseofwhisk mixer Pressbuttontostart Lamplightsup Milkfr...

Page 14: ...parealungoinatallglass 350ml and addhotmilk Addsugarifdesired Proportions 1 2 hotmilk 1 2 lungo RecommendedwithVivaltoorDecaffeinato Lungo LatteMacchiato Fillatallglasswithhotmilkfroth Prepareanespres...

Page 15: ...tofourtablespoonsoffrothedmilktothetopofthe glass Sprinklewithcinnamon nutmegorcocoaifdesired Proportions 1 2 coldmilkfroth 1 2 lungo RecommendedwithVivaltoorDecaffeinatoLungo CLEANINg MILK FROTHER NO...

Page 16: ...siredlevel Desiredlevelisset Insertcapsule Close SwitchOFF Pressandhold Lungobutton SwitchON ReleaseLungobutton ResetsLungoandEspressovolumes RESETTINg ADjUSTED VOLUME LEVEL TO FACTORy SETTINgS or or...

Page 17: ...pplianceinanyfluid Unplugappliance Letitcooldowntoavoidburns NOTICE Damagepossible Onlyuseadampcloth Onlyusemildcleaningagent non abrasive nosolventcontainer Donotputanypartsinthe dishwasher CLEANINg...

Page 18: ...Placecontainer min 1 litre Donotliftleverduring descalingprocess Fillwatertankwith Nespressodescalerand0 5 litreswater 0 5l Pressbothbuttonssimul taneouslyfor3seconds Readytodescale Pressanybuttontost...

Page 19: ...CAUTIONThe descaling solution can be harmful Avoid contact with eyes skin and surfaces Never use any product other than the Nespresso descaling kit available at the Nespresso Club to avoid damage to...

Page 20: ...1litre RINSING CAUTIONResidualdescalermaybeharmful Rinse thoroughlytoremoveanyresidue Empty rinseandfillwater tankwithdrinkingwater Rinse Pressbutton Wait untilwatertankisempty DAILy AFTER LAST COFFEE...

Page 21: ...riod of non use for frost protection and before repair SwitchOFF Removewatertank Pressandholdespresso button thenswitchon Buttonsblinkalternatively SwitchOFF Appli anceblocksfor10min Alittlewatermaydr...

Page 22: ...fillwatertankwithwarmwater max 55 C andrunthroughmachineaccordingtoinstructionson page6 Watertankisempty Fillwatertank Descaleifnecessary seeDescalingsection Coffeecomesoutveryslowly Flowspeeddepends...

Page 23: ...riple our capacity to recycle used capsules to 75 by 2013 Nespresso is committed to designing and making machines that are innovative high performing and user friendly Now we are engineering environme...

Page 24: in the country of purchase or in such other countries where Nespresso sells and services the same model with identical technical specifications Warranty service outside the country of purchase is l...

Page 25: ...O SWEDEN Karlavaegen 102 Tel 80 909 600 115 26 STOCKHOLM Sweden Dominican Republic NESTLE DOMINICANA S A Ave Abraham Lincoln 18 Tel 1 809 508 5000 Apart Postal 900 SANTO DOMINGO 10101 Egypt BASSY HIGH...

Page 26: ...CITIZ 19 ECOLABORATION WWW ECOLABORATION COM ECOLABORATION WWW ECOLABORATION COM 19 42 44 44 45 46 46 46 47 47 48 27 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 40 41...

Page 27: ...CN 8 1 5 26 27...

Page 28: ......

Page 29: ...CN Nespresso Club Nespresso 1 5 28 29...

Page 30: ...Nespresso Club Nespresso Club Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Club Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso...

Page 31: ...CN Lungo 9 11 1 Espresso 30 5 Espresso Espresso 1 30 2 60 3 2 Lungo 9 11 1 Espresso 30 5 Espresso Espresso 1 30 2 60 3 2 1 2 30 31...

Page 32: ...6 6 2 1 4 7 5 3 6...

Page 33: ...CN 2 4 1 3 32 33...

Page 34: ...Espresso Lungo Lungo Espresso 2 4 1 3...

Page 35: ...CN Espresso Lungo Espresso Lungo Lungo Espresso Espresso Lungo 1 4 3 2 5 34 35...

Page 36: ...1 1 1 1...

Page 37: ...CN UHT 2 Nespresso cappuccino 1 Nespresso 2 Nespresso 70 80s 2 60 s UHT 2 Nespresso cappuccino 1 Nespresso 2 Nespresso 70 80s 2 60 s 36 37...

Page 38: ...ffeinato Lungo Latte Macchiato espresso 350ml 2 3 1 3 espresso Ristretto Arpeggio DecaffeinatoIntenso Cappuccino espresso 2 3 1 3espresso Ristretto Arpeggio DecaffeinatoIntenso Cappuccino 350ml lungo...

Page 39: ...CN 350ml lungo 1 2 1 2 lungo Vivalto DecaffeinatoLungo 3 Iced Cappuccino 350ml lungo 1 2 1 2lungo Vivalto DecaffeinatoLungo 3 Iced Cappuccino 38 39...

Page 40: ...Lungo Lungo Lungo Lungo Espresso Espresso Espresso Lungo Lungo Lungo Lungo Espresso Lungo Lungo Lungo Espresso Espresso 1 2 3 1 2 3...

Page 41: ...CN 1 40 41...

Page 42: ...20 1 Nespresso 0 5 0 5l 3 1 Nespresso 0 5 0 5 3 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9...

Page 43: ...fH 36 18 0 20 10 0 300 600 1200 CaCO3 360 mg l 180 mg l 0 mg l fh dh CaCO3 dH 40ml CN 1 1 10 11 12 42 43...

Page 44: ...3 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 1 2...

Page 45: ...CN espresso 10 espresso 10 1 2 3 6 5 4 44 45...

Page 46: ...W 220 240V 50 60Hz 1710W 110V 60Hz 1150W 19bar 4 6kg 1l 5 C 45 C 23 7cm 27 7cm 37 2cm Nespresso Club 6 55 C Nespresso Club Nespresso Club Nespresso Club Nespresso 3035 CBU 2 Nespresso Club 6 55 C Nesp...

Page 47: ...CN Nespresso AAA Sustainable QualityTM 2013 80 ECOLABORATION WWW ECOLABORATION COM Nespresso AAA Sustainable QualityTM 2013 80 ECOLABORATION ECOLABORATION COM 46 47...

Page 48: ...esso Nespresso EU Directive1999 44 EC Nespresso www nespresso com Nespresso 2 Nespresso Nespresso 1999 44 EC Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso Nespresso www nespres...

Page 49: ...SO SWEDEN Karlavaegen 102 Tel 80 909 600 115 26 STOCKHOLM Sweden Dominican Republic NESTLE DOMINICANA S A Ave Abraham Lincoln 18 Tel 1 809 508 5000 Apart Postal 900 SANTO DOMINGO 10101 Egypt BASSY HIG...

