Displays information on the configuration parsing process, the resulting
configuration and possible configuration errors.
If the viewer loads successfully, but the configuration does not look as expected
you should be able to track the reason in this section. This section lists all
recognized parameters resulting from the 3 different configuration methods
(default configuration, configuration file and query) and displays tips regarding
false parameter values as well as unknown parameters.
Plug-ins section
Provides information on loaded FSI Plug- ins and configuration errors related to
plug-ins. Additionally you can review all configuration parameters of the active
Info section
Displays version and licence information, general information related to the
viewer instance and runtime information on the image being displayed.
Press "i" to refresh the image section being displayed after zooming, panning or
rotating the image.
8.13 Automated Implementation of Images
Rather than creating individual configuration files for each image it is recommended
to provide FSI parameters via HTTP queries appended to the FSI Viewer URL when
implementing large numbers of images.
As some browsers require the obsolete <embed> tag, queries have to be added to
both the <object> and the <embed> tag. (HTML-Source Code).
FSI Viewer is able to request image specific parameters like the source image
dimension (parameters "Width" and "Height") from your imaging server (
Required HTML- Source Code ). Using this feature reduces the required work to
dynamically providing the path to the source images.
It is recommended to use server side script like ASP, PHP, JSP, Perl, etc. when
implementing large numbers of images. All subsequent code examples in this
section refer to PHP, but can be easily adapted to any other server side scripting
Steps to be taken when using large numbers of images:
8 FSI Viewer
NeptuneLabs - FSI Viewer