122 / 16
POWER - Power requirements are 9V DC / 180mA. The micro Vent
accepts a 2.1mm plug with standard negative polarity.
SPEED - Adjusts the rotor speed between slow (Min position) and fast
(Max position). This setting refers to “Speed1” and is active when the
Bypass LED lights up permanently.
DISTANCE - Adjusts virtual Mic distance from the simulated cabinet.
Max setting is the closest distance, Min setting is the furthest distance.
RAMP - Adjusts acceleration and decelaration of the rotors when Speed
is switched between Speed1 and Speed2. Standard setting is 12:00
BLEND - Analog mixing of the dry input signal and the effect signal.
Max setting is 100% effect, Min setting is 0% effect, 12:00 position is a
50/50% wet/dry mix.
SPD2 (= Speed2) - The 3 way toggle switch selects between 3 fixed
speed values. Speed2 is active when the Bypass LED blinks.
Lever up
= Fast
Lever middle = Stop
Lever down = Slow
Footswitch - The function of the footswitch depends on the global
settings (see below). By default it will switch the effect on/off when
pressed short (<1sec), and will activate Speed2 as long as it is held (must
be held longer than 1 second; switching is momentary).
Different modes are available to customize the footswitch behaviour.
= Effect bypassed
= Effect ON / Speed1
Blinking (-_-_-_-_)
= Effect ON / Speed2
Blinking2 (--__--__--__)
= Entered Global Settings on power up
Flashing rapidly (--------)
= Global Settings closed / settings saved
Global Settings
The Global Settings allows you to customize the footswitch behaviour,
Bypass mode and Output level.
Follow these steps to call up the Global settings routine:
1. Unplug the power supply
2. Press and hold the Bypass switch
3. While still holding the Bypass switch, insert the power plug
4. Wait until the LED begins to blink in a pattern (--__--__--__)
5. Release the Bypass switch
6. Now you are ready to access the global settings
Only turn the knob(s) for the Global Function(s) you really want to adjust.
Do not turn the other knobs to avoid accidentally changing their Global
Functions. However, it is completely fine to change more than one Global
parameter at once and save them in one go.
Saving Global Settings
If you have finished the Global Settings, press and hold the Bypass switch
again for a few seconds until the LED stops flashing. The micro Vent
saves the Global Settings and returns to Play Mode.
The following Global Settings are possible:
Bypass Modes (on RAMP knob)
True Bypass (factory setting)
Buffered Bypass