V850ES/Jx3H – Plug it!
After the sample workspace has been opened the projects included in the workspace are displayed. Please
select the sample project “Jx3-H_PLUGIT_DEMO”.The screen should now look similar to this one:
Figure 24: IAR Embedded Workbench Project Workspace
As a next step check some settings of the IAR Embedded Workbench that have to be made for correct
operation of the demonstration samples and usage of the On-Board debug function of the
V850ES/Jx3-H - Plug it!
board. First highlight the upper project folder called “Jx3-H_PLUGIT_DEMO –
Debug” in the workspace window. Then select “Project” > “Options” from the pull-down menus. Go to
“General Options” and select the device µPD70F3760 (V850ES
V850ES – Jx3-H
V850ES -
Figure 25 : Device selection
User’s Manual U19647EE2V0UM00