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Multimedia Conference Bridge Application Web Manager
Issue 1.0
Navigation Side Bar
The side bar allows the user to navigate to the different areas of the web
interface. When logged in as a member of the user group, only the
New Conference
Scheduled Conferences
, and
links are available.
When logged in as a member of the admin group, all links are available. The
side is always visible from the main page.
The options available from the navigation side bar include:
Scheduler – this option provides access for scheduling conferences.
Conference Manager – this options allows administrators to preset
conference rooms, create and edit user accounts, generate conference
bridge usage reports, and to export/import data from/to the conference
bridge application.
Configuration Utilities – this option allows administrators to configure
System Settings and Conference Settings. Systems Settings include
network parameters such as, server date and time, EMail server settings,
web server timeout intervals and log settings. Conference Settings
include application related parameters, such as bridge configuration, gain
configuration, access codes, locale configuration and memory settings.
Maintenance – this option provides access to view log files, update the
firmware and to reset the PVAU blade.
Status Window
The status window is located at the top of the navigation side bar and
operations window of the browser window. The status window displays the
user name and administration level of the current user. A logout button is
provided that is clicked to log the user out of the web interface and return them
to the login screen.
– displays the user name that is currently logged in.
– displays the current user group assignment.
– provides information about the currently installed firmware version for
Multimedia Conference application.
– provides access to online help.
– logs the user out of the Multimedia Conference Bridge application.
Operations Window
The operations window provides access to the operation that is currently
selected. When a user clicks on a side bar link, the target page is displayed in
this window. When the user first logs in, the
Setup New Conference
is displayed by default.