2 - 4
Issue 1.0
Choose the Applications to install, then click
The applications include:
NEC Desktop Suite
- Choose this option to install the NEC Desktop Application
to be used for SP310 IP Soft Phone, PC Assistant or PC Attendant.
End User Pro
- Choose this option to install the End User Programming tool
used for programming buttons and extension based programming like Name
display and display language.
NEC Telephony Service
- Choose this option to install the 3rd-Party Shared
Services on the 3rd-Party CTI server if needed.
Quick Message Client
- Choose this option to install the Quick Message Client
on machines that will receive quick messages and are not using the Desktop
Application for SP310, PC Assistant, or PC Attendant. The quick message
client is built into the Desktop Application, so there is no need to install the client
for Desktop Application users.
NEC Phone Dialler
- For details on Phone Dialler please refer to Phone Dialler
Figure 2-3 Application Selection to Install or Remove