Installation Guide
QX-S5500G Series Ethernet Switches
Enter file No.(Allows multiple selection):3
Enter another file No.(0-Finish choice):4
4) Enter
to finish the selection.
Enter another file No.(0-Finish choice):0
You have selected:
5) Enter
to change its attribute to main or backup. If you change its attribute to
the attribute of
changes to none.
Please input the file attribute (Main/Backup) M
This operation may take several minutes. Please wait....
Next time, boot-update.bin will become default boot file!
Next time, system-update.bin will become default boot file!
Set the file attribute success!
6.6 Handling software upgrade failures
If a software upgrade fails, the system runs the old software version.
To handle a software upgrade failure:
1) Verify that the software release is compatible with the switch model and the correct file
is used.
2) Verify that the software release and the Boot ROM release are compatible. For
software and Boot ROM compatibility, see the hardware and software compatibility
matrix in the correct release notes.
3) Check the physical ports for a loose or incorrect connection.
4) If you are using the console port for file transfer, check the HyperTerminal settings
(including the baud rate and data bits) for any wrong setting.
5) Check the file transfer settings:
If XMODEM is used, you must set the same baud rate for the terminal as for the
console port.
If TFTP is used, you must enter the same server IP addresses, file name, and working
directory as set on the TFTP server.
If FTP is used, you must enter the same FTP server IP address, source file name,
working directory, and FTP username and password as set on the FTP server.
6) Check the FTP or TFTP server for any incorrect setting.