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Applications at the forefront of technology

Frazer Methodist Church

of Montgomery, Alabama is one of the largest

Methodist churches in the country, and home to a 7,000-member congregation.

the challenge

Frazer Methodist is always looking for ways to encourage its congregation to actively
participate in services. Several years ago, church administrators struck upon the idea
of projecting various parts of the service, such as Scripture passages, sermon notes
and song lyrics onto a screen in the sanctuary. The response was so great that Frazer
Methodist installed a permanent projection system in the church. The challenge
arose, however, when the projectors that were initially purchased did not meet the
administration’s expectations.

The images became overpowered due to light streaming in from stained glass
windows and the lighting necessary for the television broadcast that takes place
from the sanctuary every Sunday. Instead of projecting colorful images and verses as
originally hoped, Frazer Methodist’s new projectors only worked well while
projecting typical Power Point slides. 

“We were very happy with the system except the projectors were just not bright
enough,” said Scott Skoneki, a parishioner Frazer Methodist and head of the
technology team. “The system was simply not accomplishing what Frazer Methodist
needed it to do.”

Frazer Methodist Church

