User’s Manual
IECUBE2 main (QB-V850E2)
ZUD-CD-10-0092 9/19
1.3 Functional
IECUBE2 is provided with a wealth of debug functions to enable efficient program debugging, in addition to being
used to emulate the operation of a target device. An overview of the functions is provided in this section.
Some functions are not supported, depending on the debugger to be used. See also the manual of the
debugger to be used to confirm.
Program execution function (real-time execution function)
The program execution function enables program execution equivalent to that of the target device. The
executed program can be stopped under various conditions by using the break functions. The operation of only a
function can be checked by executing a program, because a program can be executed from any address.
Step execution function (non-real-time execution function)
The step execution function can be used to execute instructions one by one, in assemble instruction units. Only
instructions to be executed purely in steps can be executed, because interrupts are not acknowledged during step
Caution Step execution to be performed at the C language level is performed by a debugger using the
break function. In this case, interrupts are acknowledged in step execution. Consequently, if
processing at the interrupt destination cannot be completed, step execution may not be
completed. For handling such a case, see the manual of the debugger.
Break functions (program execution stop)
The break functions are used to stop program execution. With IECUBE2, program execution can be stopped
under the following various conditions. See (1) to (5) for an overview of each break function.
• An address has been executed
Hardware break function, software break function
• A variable has been accessed
Hardware break function
• A specific time has elapsed
Timer overflow break function
Variable values can be checked during a break and a program can be executed again by changing register
values, because the CPU operates even during a break (while the program is stopped). Interrupts generated
during the break are suspended, because basically peripheral functions also operate during the break. Use the
peripheral break function to stop peripheral functions during the break.