Section 3: Features
Product Description
Voice Call Conference does not use the telephone system features to announce the call. The person
initiating the Voice Call Conference just announces it “through the air.”
Privacy Mode Toggle Option
The Privacy Mode Toggle option allows an extension user to quickly change an outside call from
the non-private mode to the private mode. This would help a workgroup supervisor, for example,
that needed to quickly monitor any group member’s call. If the supervisor wanted to make a
“secure” call, however, they could quickly switch the line’s mode and be assured that their call
would not be monitored. If the outside call is on a line key, the user just presses the line key to
switch modes. If the call is on a loop key, the user presses their Privacy Release function key
For systems using the Privacy Mode Toggle option, trunks initially have the privacy released. If pri-
vacy is desired for a trunk, use the toggle option or press the Privacy Release function key to switch
Continued Dialing
Continued Dialing allows an extension user to dial a call, wait for the called party to answer and
then dial additional digits. This helps users that need services like Voice Mail, automatic banking
and Other Common Carriers (OCCs).
There are two types of Continued Dialing:
Continued Dialing for Intercom Calls
Depending on an extension’s Class of Service, a keyset user may be able to dial additional
digits after their Intercom call connects. In systems with Voice Mail, for example, Continued
Dialing lets extension users dial the different options after the Voice Mail answers. Without
Continued Dialing, extension users cannot access these Voice Mail options.
Continued Dialing for Trunk Calls
Continued Dialing gives a user access to outside services like automatic banking, an outside
Automated Attendant, bulletin boards and Other Common Carriers (OCCs). After the outside
service answers, the user can dial digits for whatever options the services allow. Without Con-
tinued Dialing, the system’s Toll Restriction will cut off the call after a speci
c number of
dialed digits. See Programming below for additional information.
Aspire S
Aspire M/L/XL
Continued Dialing may make the system more susceptible to toll fraud.