Important Information
Disposing of your used product
EU-wide legislation as
implemented in each Member
State requires that used electrical
and electronic products carrying
the mark (left) must be disposed
of separately from normal
household waste. This includes
projectors and their electrical
accessories or lamps. When you
dispose of such products, please
follow the guidance of your local
authority and/or ask the shop
where you purchased the product.
After collecting the used products,
they are reused and recycled in a
proper way. This effort will help us
reduce the wastes as well as the
negative impact to the human
health and the environment at the
minimum level. The mark on the
electrical and electronic products
only applies to the current
European Union Member States.
Always connect to a ground prior
to connecting to the AC power
• A very high, leaked current will flow to
the projector. Therefore, always connect
to a ground prior to connecting to the AC
power supply.
Connect the projector to exhaust
• Use a duct, etc., to connect the projector’s
air outlet to exhaust equipment that can
handle flow amounts of at least 16 m
See the section about “
Mounting Exhaust
” in this manual to mount it
Equipment Installation and
• Be very careful not to allow the projector
head to be shocked or excessively shaken
when installing or transporting the projector.
The internal components of the projector
head can be damaged if they are excessively
shocked or shaken.
When opening the lamp door
• There is a high voltage lamp inside the
projector. There is the danger of cracking
the lamp, so never open this door unless
absolutely necessary. Also, when opening
the lamp door, use the prescribed procedures
to ensure that you do it safely.
Connecting the AC power supply
• Be sure that the AC power supply equipment
of the building to which the AC power supply
is connected goes through a breaker with
a maximum rating of 30 A.
• Be sure that the cable used to connect
the main unit with the AC power supply
equipment of the building has a core
thickness of 6 AWG, 8 AWG or 14 mm
according to the requirements of the country
where the unit is installed, and that the
cable core is made of copper.
• Use a round type UL-listed solderless terminal
for the section connected to the main
unit with the AC power supply, and that
it is connected according to the procedures
described in this manual.
Insert the handle holding pins
when using the shipment handle
• Make sure that the handle holding pins
are inserted when using the shipment handle.
If the handle is used without inserting
the handle holding pins, the handle may
come off during shipment causing the
unit to fall, and thereby lead to injury.
Use the handle attached to the
unit when moving it
• Be sure to attach the handle included
with the unit and use it when moving the
unit. Holding the lens or the anamorphic
lens stand may damage the lens or lens
bracket or may lead to dropping the unit,
and thereby lead to injury.