NCast Presentation Recorder Reference Manual
3.2.1. Admin password
The Admin password grants rights to all configuration and setup options for the Presentation Recorder. This
password should be chosen carefully and with security in mind. Avoid use of common names, dictionary
words and the like. A randomly chosen string greater than 8 characters in length is suggested.
3.2.2. Coordinator password
The Coordinator password allows access to the Archive files.
3.2.3. Viewer passwords
The View page allows desktop or laptop users to access the live media streams being encoded by the
Presentation Recorder. This access may or may not be restricted, depending on the content and needs of
the installation and/or organization. If the “Verify viewer password” checkbox is enabled, then access is
restricted and a viewer needs to enter a password to see the media stream.
There is provision for four different viewer names and passwords.
3.2.4. HTTP API password
The HTTP API password allows access to archived files. This password permits HTTP access to the archive
list, allows downloading of the archive and details file and the removal of one or more archived files. All of
these operations utilize special HTTP URLs described in Section 9.3. Commonly available programs such as
“wget” may be executed from shell scripts to automate this archive download function. There is no login page
for a backup operator using the web interface.
3.3. W
The Web Control page allows configuration of security settings related to use and access of the web
administrative interface.
3.3.1. HTTP/HTTPS Access
Normal web access, which is unprotected and insecure, is accomplished through use of the HTTP protocol
typically utilizing port 80. Secure access using HTTPS (the SSL protocol) utilizes port 443. Administration of
NCast Corporation
Revision 1.1
Page 19