Naval Electronics, Inc.
7028 West Waters Ave Suite 393, Tampa, Florida USA 33634
Phone (813) 885-6091, Fax (813) 885-3601, E-mail [email protected]
Installation Instructions
PR-12, PR-12BE and PR-20BE Active Antenna Power Supplies
All power supplies are strapped for either 110 or 220 VAC at the factory.
The strapping can be changed by a qualified technician in the field, as shown on the
diagram at the bottom of this page.
The AC input block accepts either
110 or 220VAC
(depending on strapping).
Pin 1 AC Hot (connect one AC lead here)
Pin 2: Not used.
Pin 3: Neutral AC (connect other AC lead here).
Pin 4: Ground or Cable Shield
The DC input block accepts either
12 VDC or 24 VDC.
Pin 1: +12VDC
Pin 2: +24VDC
Pin 3 Negative