VII. Data Management
3i Newborn Hearing Screener IFU 024913 RevD Revision Date 08/05/2020
VII. Data Management
Overview of the DataManagement Window
The DataManagement function allows you to review, select, print, export, and delete all or any
subset of the screening records stored in the ALGO 3i screener. Upon entering the
DataManagement window, no records will be selected, and the “Selected” functions will not be
available. You may immediately choose any of the “All Records” functions. If you wish to print,
export, or delete a subset of the records stored in the ALGO 3i screener, you will first need to
select them.
Data Export to a Personal Computer (PC):
Printing a Label (on the desktop label printer):
Once you have selected records, and while you remain in the DataManagement area, the ALGO
3i screener saves your selections so that you can perform multiple functions on the same set of records.
For example, you may wish to first print a set of screening records, then export the same set of records to
a PC.
Once you exit the DataManagement area by clicking “X”, a message will be displayed informing
you that you will “lose your selections”. This means that the next time you enter the
DataManagement area, no records will be selected.
To select records
1. Select DataManagement from the MainMenu.
2. The “Review/Select Record” bar will be highlighted. Click OK.