Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Table 9-8 External trigger for injection channel of ADC3 and ADC4
Trigger source
TIM1_TRGO event
Internal signal from the on-chip timer
TIM1_CC4 event
TIM4_CC3 event
TIM8_CC2 event
TIM8_CC4 event
TIM5_TRGO event
EXTI line14/TIM5_CC4 event
Software control bit
Note: Injection triggers can interrupt conversion of the regular sequence.
DMA requests
In order to avoid the loss of the regular channel conversion result saved in the ADC_DAT register due to excessive
data when multiple regular channels are converted, the ADC_CTRL2.ENDMA bit can be set to 1 to use DMA. When
the ADC regular channel conversion ends, a DMA request is generated. After the DMA receives the request, it will
transfer the converted data from the ADC_DAT register to the destination address specified by the user.
Note: In independent ADC mode, ADC1, ADC2, ADC3, ADC4 have DMA function. In dual ADC mode, the data
converted by ADC2 is in the data register of ADC1, and the data converted by ADC4 is in the data register of ADC3.
ADC Mode
ADC1 (master) and ADC2 (slave), ADC3 (master) and ADC4 (slave) can form a dual ADC mode.
The ADC working mode can be selected by configuring ADC_CTRL1.DUSEL[3:0], which can be configured as
independent mode or dual ADC mode. The ADC mode can be configured as the following working modes:
Independent mode.
Synchronous injection mode.
Synchronous regular mode.
Fast alternate mode.
Slow alternate mode.
Rotation trigger mode.
Synchronous regular mode + synchronous injection mode.
Synchronous regular mode + rotation trigger mode.
Synchronous injection mode + alternate mode.
1. When configuring dual ADC mode, if external event trigger is required, it is necessary to configure the main ADC
external event trigger, the slave ADC software trigger, the master ADC and the slave ADC external trigger must be