© National Instruments Corporation
Using the NI PXIe-4357
This chapter explains how to connect signals to the NI PXIe-4357 and measure temperature with
RTD sensors. It also includes overviews of the features available on the NI PXIe-4357.
Connecting Signals
This section briefly explains how to connect signals to the NI PXIe-4357. It also contains
shielding and grounding considerations, the module pinout, and an explanation of the signals to
connect to the NI PXIe-4357. For additional signal connection information for the terminal
block, refer to the
NI PXIe-4357 and TB-4357 Installation Guide and Terminal Block
You can connect any combination of 2-, 3-, or 4-wire RTD sensors to the PXIe-4357, and
independently configure each channel in software. In all measurement configurations, the
EX+ terminal on each channel supplies 0.9 mA of current, which is returned through the
corresponding EX– terminal for each channel. Connect the AI– sense terminal for 3-wire
measurements, and connect both the AI+ and AI– sense terminals for 4-wire measurements.
Refer to Figure 2-1 for an example of the RTD wiring for one channel of the NI PXIe-4357.
Connect EX– on a channel by channel basis. Each EX– line is star routed to
a common return to maintain the best possible accuracy.