NI PXIe-5601 Calibration Procedure
Software Requirements
Calibrating the NI 5601 requires installing NI-RFSA 2.3 or later on the calibration system. You
must also install NI-RFSG 1.4 or later. You can download NI-RFSA from
NI-RFSA supports programming a self-calibration and an external calibration in the LabVIEW,
, and C application development environments (ADEs). When you install
NI-RFSA, you need to install support only for the ADE that you intend to use.
LabVIEW support is in the
file, and all
calibration functions appear in the NI-RFSA Calibration palette. For LabWindows/CVI users,
the NI-RFSA function panel, located at
C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin\
, provides access to the available functions.
Documentation Requirements
You might find the following documents helpful as you perform the calibration procedure:
NI PXIe-5601 Specifications
—Provides the published specification values for the NI 5601.
Refer to the most recent NI PXIe-5601 Specifications online at
NI 5661/5663/5663E RF Vector Signal Analyzers Getting Started Guide
instructions for installing and configuring your NI 5601 device.
NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers Help
—Includes detailed information about the NI 5601
device and information about creating applications that use the NI-RFSA driver.
These documents are installed with NI-RFSA. You also can find the latest versions of these
documents at
Calibration Interval
NI recommends a calibration interval of one year for the NI 5601. Adjust the recommended
calibration interval based on the measurement accuracy demands of your application.
Test Equipment
NI recommends that you use the equipment in Table 1 to calibrate the NI 5601. If the
recommended equipment is not available, select a substitute using the minimum requirements
listed in the table.