Chapter 3
ICDM Main Window
National Instruments Corporation
Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
Figure 3-3.
ICDM Ranges Window
Plot Magnify Windows
In addition to the standard plotting features (zooming, data-viewing, and
interactive re-ranging) described in the
of Chapter 2,
, the plots in the ICDM Main
window support another feature: plot magnify windows.
Plot»Plot Magnify
or pressing <Ctrl-M> or in the ICDM Main
window will cause the cursor to change into a crosshairs symbol.
Positioning the cursor over an ICDM plot and clicking the left mouse
button causes the plot to appear, in a new window called a Plot Magnify
window, as shown in Figure 3-4. This window can be resized using the
window manager, and can be independently re-ranged. Refer to the