Appendix D Common Questions
Which version of NI-DAQ is needed to work with the SCXI-1125 and
how do I get the most current version of NI-DAQ?
You must have NI-DAQ 7.0 or later. Visit
and follow the link,
Download Software»Drivers and Updates»Search Drivers and
, and type in the keyword
to find the latest version of
NI-DAQ for your operating system.
I have gone over the
Verifying the SCXI-1125 Installation in Software
, yet I still cannot correctly test and
verify that my SCXI-1125 is working. What should I do now?
Unfortunately, there always exists the chance that something is not
operating correctly in your system, or the combination of the components
in your system is not operating correctly together. You may now have to call
or e-mail a technical support representative.
The technical support representative will often suggest additional
troubleshooting measures to try in order to isolate the problem. If
requesting technical support by phone, have your system near at hand so
that you can try these measures immediately.
Can I use the unused analog input channels of the E/M Series DAQ
device if I am directly cabled to the SCXI-1125?
It depends. The SCXI-1125 always outputs channels 1 through 7 to the rear
signal connector to permit parallel mode scanning. If you are using a
16-channel (8 differential inputs) E/M Series DAQ device, all E/M Series
DAQ channels are unusable for general-purpose analog input. If you have
a module in the chassis that does not have parallel mode, connect the
E/M Series DAQ device to it and use a breakout connector to connect to the
unused channels on the E/M Series DAQ device. If you are directly
connected to a higher input channel device, such as a 64-channel
(32 differential inputs) E/M Series DAQ device, only the lower
eight differential inputs are unusable.
Which digital lines are unavailable on the E/M Series DAQ device if I
am cabled to an SCXI-1125 module?
Table D-2 shows the digital lines that are used by the SCXI-1125 for
communication and scanning. These lines are unavailable for
general-purpose digital I/O if the SCXI-1125 is connected to the
E/M Series DAQ device.