Appendix B
Analog Output Series User Manual
In this case,
equals 1.99 kHz, according to the following equation:
The smallest frequency change that you can generate in this case is
approximately 10 Hz.
Power-On States of the Analog Output Lines
I have some motors connected directly into the outputs of my NI 6713,
and when I power on my computer they start running very slowly.
I am reading an offset of 100–110 mV. If I open the test panels in
Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or run any LabVIEW
application, the outputs drop to 0 V. Why is this happening and how do
I prevent it?
The power-on state for the outputs of the NI 6713 is 0 V, with an accuracy
of ±200 mV. When the computer is powered on, the output values might
go to 100–110 mV, which are within the specifications. When you run
LabVIEW or the test panels in MAX, the driver loads the device’s
calibration constants into the device and the voltage drops to zero.
If there is any hardware connected to the device, the best way to work
around this problem is to have an additional output (digital or analog) that
will power on the device.
Update Rate
What is update rate?
Update rate is the fastest rate that you can output data from the device and
still achieve accurate results. For example, the NI 6723 has an update rate
of 800 kS/s for up to 32 channels. The fastest rate that the output voltage
can change is also limited by the device’s slew rate.
99.50 kHz
1.99 kHz