Register Descriptions
Section Four
GPIB-1014P User Manual
© National Instruments Corporation
Table 4-5 Auxiliary Commands: Detailed Description (continues)
Command Code
4 3 2 1 0
1 0 0 1 0
Take Control Synchronously
The Take Control Synchronously command sets the local message
tcs. The local message tcs is effective only when the TLC is in
Controller Standby State (CSBS) or Controller Synchronous Wait
State (CSWS). The local message tcs is cleared when the TLC
enters Controller Active State (CACS).
1 1 0 1 0
Take Control Synchronously on END
The Take Control Synchronously on END command sets the local
message tcs when the data block transfer End message (END bit
equal to one) is generated at CSBS. The tcs message is cleared
when the TLC enters CACS.
1 0 0 1 1
The listen command generates the local message ltn in the form of a
1 1 0 1 1
Listen in Continuous Mode
The Listen in Continuous Mode command generates the local
message ltn in the form of a pulse and places the TLC in continuous
In continuous mode, the local message rdy is issued when the
Acceptor Not Ready State (ANRS) is initiated unless data block
transfer end is detected (END RX bit equals one). When END
is detected, the TLC is placed in the RFD Holdoff state, preventing
generation of the rdy message. In continuous mode, the DI bit is
not set when a data byte is received. The continuous mode caused
by the Listen in Continuous Mode command is released when the
Listen auxiliary command is issued or the TLC enters the Listener
Idle State (LIDS).
1 1 1 0 0
Local Unlisten
The Local Unlisten command generates the local message lun in the
form of a pulse.