Nordic Automation Systems
Install the module on top
of the water meter and
fasten the screw.
Hold the magnet against the device (see
illustration below) for at least 1 second
while the water is running*.
*For AU915/US915 band devices (starting from FW 0.7.20) ChMask
can be pre-set, to use a predefined channel range. See section 4 for
more details
• The sensor starts to initialize and the
red light will flash (at least 5 seconds).
- If the sensor failed to initialize the red
light will stay on for 5 sec.
• The sensor will try to register to net-
work. Blinking green (at least 5 sec)
- If it failed to join, the red light will stay
on for 5 sec.
• The sensor calibrates - 4 liters are
needed for that. Green blinking will
change (indicating the number of detect-
ed 1)
- if calibration is successful, it will show
green for 5 sec
- if it fails within 10 minutes it will show
red for 5 sec
Modularis Module