NAPCO9600 / Basic Knowledge & Operation
B. Channel information of current cursor
The information display when the mouse cursor in the cross position of the spectral area,
X axis represents the channel position (0~2048), Y axis represents the count rate of
current channel position; Energy represents the transition electron energy coordinate
system of the elements which convert from X axis channel
C. Highest Peak position in display area:
Because the X axis channel can be zoomed in /out, so that the information indicates the
highest peak position in the current display area.
D. Peak
The spectrum which is qualitatively identified close to the normal distribution peak.
E. Current Peak Flag
The feature line of element which is qualitatively identified, such as Ag: Ka, Ag
represents the element, Ka is one of the characteristic spectra of Ag elements.
F. Result
The system calculate result and display automatically within 3 seconds after starting test.
G. Operational Area
Windows buttons: Standard windows buttons, including minimize, Maximize and close
Result button: when the test is completed or open one spectrum file, the button can be
operated to get quantitative results.
System control button: Enter system control interface.
User Information button: enter user information interface.
Program information button: Enter program information interface.
Test button: Start or stop test.
Curve selection: Select test curve.
Parameter setting button: Enter parameter setting interface
Open spectrum: Check previous spectrum information