Upon installation, a NAPCO Adaptive
Microwave/PIR Detector powers up, ini-
tialized in the first of its 12 senstivity
modes, i.e., the most sensitive, enabling it
to sample prevailing environmental condi-
tions. Faced with hostility or tranquility, the
Adaptive detector automatically selects the
most appropriate detection mode accord-
ingly, optimizing both intruder catch and
stability. Each time the sensors detect a
stimulus stong enough to generate a sig-
nal, but insufficient in strength to indicate
an alarm, the detector will automatically
change sensitivity modes, effectively wid-
ening the gap between the detected signal
and its alarm threshold. Therefore, environ-
mental disturbances, those that register by
the PIR and/or microwave sensor, are bet-
ter tolerated and the threat of false alarms
or nuisance alarms is dramatically reduced,
far surpassing the performance of con-
ventional dual technology devices. And,
because a dynamic Adaptive Detector
literally adjusts to its surroundings min-
ute-by-minute, once disturbances quiet,
e.g., the space heater turns off again, the
air conditioner stops blowing the blinds,
power stops browning-out, animals vacate
— the intelligent detector again escalates
its sensitivity, mode by mode — so the
premises always enjoys the greatest level
of fast intruder-catch detection and false
alarm protection possible.
The Napco Adaptive Sensor is the most
forgiving sensor available because it is so
smart and makes the sensitivity and critical
range adjustments an experienced alarm
professional would, if one were standing
by, 24-hours a day, seven days a week to
make them. Any activity beyond the unit’s
protected area, detected by the microwave
section is also automatically compensated
for. The unit even actively tests both its
channels (PIR and Microwave), regulary
activating each, to make sure it is on-
the-job, performing to specification. An
absolute solution to false alarms, callbacks
and service calls — NAPCO Adaptive
Detectors pay for themselves in the time
and money they save.
Manufacturing great security products is all we do.
It’s that simple.
wide angle
Microwave/PIR Detectors
automatically adjust to their
environment, minute by minute,
for the
ultimate false alarm
immunity & reliability