MR76 77GHz MMW Radar User Manual
Hunan Nanoradar Science and Technology Co., Ltd
(2)Scope of responsibility of the manufacturer of third-party accessories:
Manufacturers of third-party accessories are responsible for the development, implementation and
communication of safety concepts for their products, and their effects in conjunction with the MR76
(3)Scope of responsibility of the owner (customer, end customer and end user):
The owner is responsible for ensuring that the device (and equipment) are used for their intended
purpose, for the actions of his employees, for giving instruction to the employees, and for the operational
safety of the equipment.
(4)The owner is subject to the following obligations:
The owner is subject to the following obligations:
He must be familiar with the locally applicable accident prevention regulations.
He is to notify NANORADAR as soon as a device or the equipment displays any safety defects.
The owner is responsible and has to confirm that the owner (customer, end customer and end user) will
add resp. copy the following disclaimer and information, incl. the declaration of conformity in their own
documentation resp. manual.
MR76 77GHz MMW radar is allowed for the usage in research & testing purposes.
11. Common faults and solutions
1) False alarm in the second djacent lane
The radar installation angle is too large (over than 25° +1 ° / -2 °), need to remove the
bumper to adjust the radar angle.
2) The alarm target is opposite to the alarm direction
The radar is reverse installed and adjust the radar direction to the oposite.
3) Following car false alarm
The radar installation angle is too small (over 25° +1° / -2°) or the installation position is
wrong. The radar needs to be reinstalled accroding to previous installation instruction.
4) Missing Alarm
There are wire bundle, uneven thickness, sharp corners or other metal partsn front of the radar
installation location, which shall be replaced or removed.