A3LA-R-MIL-MOD User Guide Version B
Document Number: 451-93156-001A
29 of 159
The A3LA-R serial data port is always in one of three modes: command mode, SBD data mode,
or SBD session mode. When the data port is in command mode, AT commands can be entered
to control the A3LA-R. In command mode, flow control has no effect, so the RTS input ignored
and the CTS output driven ON (low). When in SBD data mode, the A3LA-R is transferring binary
or text SBD message data to or from the DTE. In SBD data mode:
All characters from the DTE not forming part of the message data are ignored (i.e., no
AT commands may be entered).
No unsolicited result codes are issued.
RTS/CTS flow control, if enabled, is active. When RTS is OFF (high), the A3LA-R suspends
transfer of data to the DTE; when CTS is OFF (high), the A3LA-R expects the DTE to
suspend transfer of data.
When in SBD session mode, the A3LA-R attempts to conduct an SBD session with the network.
In SBD session mode:
The DTE must wait for the +SBDI [X][A] session result code.
All characters from the DTE are ignored.
Unsolicited result codes are issued where those codes have been enabled.
Transitions between the modes of operation are performed automatically by the A3LA-R in
response to the SBD AT commands; the DTE has no other control over the mode.