Nakajima AE-740 Operation Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for AE-740

Page 1: ...rll I N ll IAKAJ MA r f r S _ O Ffrst in quality and reliability o4 O 7 S 7 7 t r o1 llf ll S eO tlllll 1 J r r l l l OPERATION MANUAL AE 740 ELECTRONIC OFFICE TYPEWRITER...

Page 2: ...occurin a particularinstallation If thisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterference to radioor television reception whichcanbedetermined by turningtheequipmentoff andon theuseris encouraged to try to correc...

Page 3: ...ammable paperinsert Full electronictabulationfor up to 30 positions Decimal center flush righttabulation Columnlayout Searchandreplace o Block copy move delete print o Automaticfull pagerelocation Aut...

Page 4: ...ace 28 S y l l a b l e H l p h e n 2 8 DecimalTabulation 29 CenterTabulation 30 F l u s h R i g h t T a b u l a t i o n 3 1 GroupTabulation 32 C o l u m n l a y o u t 3 4 AutomaticUnderlining 37 Keybo...

Page 5: ...VariableFile 75 FormatFile 78 F i l e C o p y 8 0 FileDeletion 81 Listof Filesin Memory 82 MemoryOverflow 83 AvailableMemoryCapacity 84 MemoryAllClear 84 HOW TO CHANGEACCESSORIES RibbonCassette Conect...

Page 6: ...airit yourself If repair becomes necessary takeit to theauthorized servicecenter Neverinsertmetalobjects suchasa screwdriver paperclip nailfile etc insidethetypewriter This couldcausedamage to thetype...

Page 7: ...Part Names And Functions 27 26 25...

Page 8: ...nches forI l inch long paper 20 LINE LOCATOR redline only Denotes thebottom ofthetyping line 7 NOISECOVER 2I CARDHOLDER Buffers thesound of typing Holds paper against theplaten 8 PAPERRELEASELEVER 22...

Page 9: ...DDDtlDnDDtrDnD E EJDDDIDDDDDDDDr B w D DDrn DDDDq l Et ffiDDlDTNDDDDiltJ i i i l e u 1 l l l t t i 1 1 1 2 9 1 3 Keyboardwith symbol type functionkeys 1 2 0 1 9 ENIDDDNDTTDDTDB B EMDDNDDDNDDDDDil tr f...

Page 10: ...17 RELOCATION KEY Moves thecarrier cursoronespaceto the right 8 SHIFT LOCK KEY of thelastcharacter typed LockstheShift key to typea series of capital letters Theredlampon thekey lightsup when 18 EXPRE...

Page 11: ...panel 2 Raisethepageendindicaror located on rhebackof thepaper support panel Move it to thedesired positionby tiltingand pullingit in thedesired direction Thescale on thepageendindicator indicates th...

Page 12: ...thenameplateon thebackof thetypewriter 3 Turnon thepowerswitchlocated attheleftrearof the typewriter Whenthepoweris turnedon a beepsounds andthepower on lampon thekeyboard lightsup Thecarriersrops at...

Page 13: ...u asfar asit goes The paper is automatically inserted andstopsat thepositionwhereyou havesetby thetop of form setting See SettingTheTop of Form section whichfollows Note Pullingthepaperbailleverhalfwa...

Page 14: ...P OF FORM 06 appears on thedisplay Thepreset setting is 6 lines L0 inchfrom thetopof thepage 2 Holddownthecode keyandpress theIndexkeyto increase the number Holddownthecode keyandpress theReverse inde...

Page 15: ...selector determines thespacing of thelines 2 double sPacing 3 linesPerinch l l12 oneanda halfspacing 4 linesperinch l single spacing 6 linesPerinch Pitch selector Thisselector determines thecharacter...

Page 16: ...aperwhenyou presstheReturn Tab or Printkey Whileprintingtheline youcancontinue to typethe nextlineof texton thedisplay Note Thecolumncounter on therightsideof thedisplayindicates the remaining numbero...

Page 17: ...Store mode STORE The Storemodeis usedto storetextin thetypewriter smemory I v I Seethe Memory Functions chapter STORE t2...

Page 18: ...roaching Setting a new margin Note Beforesettinga newmargin makesurethedisplayhasbeen cleared I UsetheSpacebaror Backspace key to positionthecarrier cursor at thepositionwhereyou wantto seta new margi...

Page 19: ...rginswhenyou turnon thetypewriter nexttime Setting a tab Note Beforesetting a tab makesurethedisplayhasbeencleared I use theSpacebaror Backspace key to positionthecarrier cursor at thepointwhereyou wa...

Page 20: ...ier cursor to thefirsttab setting to therightof yourcurrentposition 2 Typethetext Tab back up The currenttabsettings aremaintained in memoryby theback up batteryevenwhenyou turnoff thetypewriter You c...

Page 21: ...ardholder should belineup below theline Donotuse theplaten knobforalignment 2 UsetheBackspace KeyorSpace bartoposition theprintpoint indicator onthecharacter tobecorrected 3 Press theConectionkey Thec...

Page 22: ...following theword to becorrected 3 Hold down theCodekey andpresstheCorrectionkey An intermittent beepsounds 4 PresstheSpacebar The word is erased 5 Typethecorrectword 6 Press theRelocation key The pri...

Page 23: ...atenknobfor alignment 2 UsetheBackspace keyor Space barto positiontheprintpoint indicator onespace to therightof thecharhcter to beconected Note Usethemicro up microdown microbackspace for accurate al...

Page 24: ...character abovethecursoris deleted Theall succeeding textis pulledto theleft To deletemorecharacters holddown theCorrectionkey or presstheRepeat key afterpressing theCorrectionkey If necessary pressth...

Page 25: ...keyandpress theRelocation key The character abovethecursoralternately flasheswith a box mark l 3 Type thecharacters or spaces It is inserted at thecursorposition Eachtimeyou inserta character thecurso...

Page 26: ...involved in home improvements W e f e e l t h a t t h i s w i l l b e a s u b s t a n t i a l m a r k e t i n y e a r s t o c o m e Everyday Hardware Inc 1 0 3 0 1 M a i n S t r e e t P o r t l a n d...

Page 27: 3 Hold down theCodekey andpresstheLeft marginkey A t appears above INDENT on thedisplay The carrier cursor advances to thefirst tabsetting This becomes the temporaryleft margin Note If othertabshav...

Page 28: ...right sideof thedisplay Thecarrier cursor automatically advances to thecenterof themarginsettings 3 Type thetextto becentered characrers appearon thedisprayas you type correct errorson thedisplaybefor...

Page 29: ...ndthe nexttabon therieht 3 Typethetextto becentered Characters appear on thedisplayas you type Correcterrorson thedisplaybeforethetextis printed 4 PressthePrintkey Text is printedcentered betweenthetw...

Page 30: ...Thetextappears on thedisplayas you type Correcterrorson thedisplaybeforethetext is printed 4 Press thePrintkey Thetextis printedcentered at thecurrent carrier cursor position The t above CENTER disap...

Page 31: thetext Characters appear on thedisplayasyou rype Conecterors on thedisplaybeforethetextis printed 3 Press thePrintkey Therexris printedalignedrviththeright margin Pressing theReturnkey alsoprintst...

Page 32: ...text Whenthefirst space or hyphenis typedafterthe carrier cursor entersthehot zone theareaof 5 spaces immediatelybeforetheright margin thecarrier cursor automatically returnsto theleft marginon thenex...

Page 33: ...pacebarat theposition whereyou wanta requiredhyphen On thedisplay a symbolmark appears representing a required space This functionis usedto typea hyphenthatwill beprintedonly whenit falls in thehot zo...

Page 34: ...appears whenyou release them Using a decimal tab l PresstheTab key to movethecarrier cursorto thedecimaltab position A t appears above DECIMAL on thedisplay 2 Type thetext Characters appearon thedispl...

Page 35: ...o movethecarrier cursor to thecentertab position A t appears above CENTER on thedisplay 2 Type thetext Characters appearon thedisplayasyou type Conecterrorson thedisplaybeforethetextis printed 3 Press...

Page 36: ...esstheTab key to movethecarrier cursorto theflush right tab position A r appear above FLUSH R on thedisplay 2 Typethetext Characters appear on thedisplayasyou type Correcterrorson thedisplaybeforethet...

Page 37: ...yagain The t above DECIMAL on thedisplaydisappears andall tabsreturnto theiroriginaltype Newly settabs asdescribed in step2 become normaltabs Group centertab l HolddowntheCodekeyandpress the l key A t...

Page 38: ...lay All of thecurrenttabsbecome flushright tabs 2 Entertextandprintit out usingflushrighttabs To adda newtab simplypresstheTab set clear key at the desired position 3 To cancelthegroupflushright tabfu...

Page 39: ...ursor ro theleft margin 2 HolddowntheCode keyandpress the K key Themessage HOWMANY COLUMNS 00J appears onrhedisplay Previously settabs areallcleared 3 Type thenumberof columnsyou wantto create andpres...

Page 40: ...thedisplay PresstheReturnkey to clearthemessage The typewriterautomatically setstabsfor eachcolumnat the calculated positions sothatyou will geta tablewith well balanced appearance betweenmargins Not...

Page 41: ...key The print pointindicatorstopsat thecenter positionbetween thefirst andsecond columns Hold down theCodekey andpressthe V key to typea vertical line 4 In thesameway asin step2 and3 presstheTab key t...

Page 42: ...beunderlined asyourype 3 To cancelthefull underlining function holddow nthecode ker andpress the 3 keyagain The v abo e x x on thedisplar disappears Automatic word underlining l Holddownthecode ke1 a...

Page 43: ...cancelthekeyboard II function holddowntheCodekeyand press the 5 keyagain The v above KBII on thedisplay disappears This functionmakeswordsstandoutfrom therestof thetext Use thisfunctionto emphasize ti...

Page 44: ...ay 2 Typethetexr Eachalphabetical characrer letter is printedin uppercase Numbersandsymbolsareprintedasusual Note To typeanylowercasealphabetical characters or a symbolthat is on theupperleft cornerof...

Page 45: ...availablein theLP JUSTandSTOREmodes I Pressthedesiredkey The characterappears on thedisplay 2 Hold down thecode key andpresstheBackspace key A symbol mark appears on thedisPlaY 3 Pressthesecond charac...

Page 46: ...key to returnto thenormalline IN theNP mode theprint positionmovesonehalf line down In theLPIJUST STORE modes a symbolmark i appears on the display Subscript I PresstheIndexkey at thepoint whereyou w...

Page 47: ...breactivating thisfunction makesurethedisplayhasbeen cleared HolddowntheCodekeyandpress theIndexkey Paper advances l 16line 1196 inch eachtimethiskeycombination is pressed HolddowntheCodekeyandpress t...

Page 48: ...ey to drawa horizontalline Note Settingmarginsat thedesiredwidth makesit easierto draw horizontallinesof thesamelength 2 Move to oneline belowtheupperleft corner Press theBackspace key thenpresstheHar...

Page 49: ...ingto your purpose Text file A textfile is usedto storetext suchaslettersdocuments tables etc alongwith its marginandtabsettings Phrasefile A phraselile is usedto storefrequently used textsuchasnamean...

Page 50: ...the displayasyou type when a lineis completed rhelineis stored in memoryandprintedon paper Note In thedisplaymodeandprint mode a corumncounterappears on theright sideof thedisplay It indicates therema...

Page 51: ...ress the T key to selecta textfile The paperadvances oneline andthecarrierreturnsto theleft margin The message Display Print Edit appears on the display 4 Pressthe D key to choosethedisplaymode or pre...

Page 52: ...ilethelinetextappears onthedisplay After thelineis stored anddisappeared fromthedisplay youcannot scrollbacktothem Youcancorectthemin theeditmode 7 Press theModekeytoexitthesroRE mode Thetypewriter re...

Page 53: ...Form J appears on thedisplay 3 Press the T keyto select a textfile The paperadvances oneline andthecarrierreturnsto theleft margin The message Display Print Edit appears on the display 4 Pressthe 8 ke...

Page 54: ...hfollows b In theedit mode thecolumncounterdoesnotappearandthe carrierdoesnot move To represent thecarriermovement the following symbolsappear J Return Tab Index I Reverse index c At thepositionwherey...

Page 55: ...MOVE CARRIER TO XX whenyou positionthecursorunderit The number XX indicates thepositionof themarginor tab To changethemarginor tabsettings movethecursorunderthe left box andchangethe number Press the...

Page 56: ...waysto modify thetextfile storedin thememory Add mode You addsometextattheendof thetextfile lineby line asyou createdthefile in thedisplayrnodeor print mode Edit mode You editthetextfile scrollingto a...

Page 57: choose thedisplaymodeor press the P keyto choose theprintmode The lastlineof thetextfile appears with thecursorlocated at the endof thefile 5 Typethetextto beadded Characters appear on thedisplayas...

Page 58: ...Add appears on thedisplay 3 Pressthe E key to choosetheedit mode The textfile appears on thedisplayasonecontinuous line of text You canscrollto anypoint in thefile to makechanges corrections or to si...

Page 59: ...phrase file on thedisplayasonecontinuous lineof text regardless of themarginsettings Nothingis printedon paper Printmode You cratea phrase file on thedisplaylineby line The lineis printedon paperacco...

Page 60: ...message TexUphra Vari Form appears on thedisplay 3 Press the P key to selecta phrasefile The message Display PrintPHRA appears on thedisplay 4 Press the D key to choosethedisplaymode The display clear...

Page 61: ...message DisplaylPrintPHRA appears on thedisplay 4 Pressthe P key to choosetheprint mode The displayis clearedandthecolumn counterappears on the right sideof the display The automaticreturnfunction is...

Page 62: ...eturnsto theNP mode l Press theModekey untila v appears above STORE on the display 2 Type thenameof thephrasefile you wanrro edit Thenpressthe Returnkey Thephrase file appears on thedisplayasonecontin...

Page 63: ...on thedisplay 3 Type thenameof thephrasefile to be inserted Thenpressthe nliurn key The file nameis inserted at thecursorposition between two box marks To deletetheinserted phrasefile movethecursorund...

Page 64: ...t setting for an I l inch longsheet of paperwith a l inch topandbottommargin 2 Typethenumberof lines perpagey for thepagelength press theReturnkey to storethesetting Note Whenentering thetextfile in t...

Page 65: 2 Hold downtheCodekey andpressthe 7 key A highlighted S appears on thedisplay Whenyou createor modify a file in theprint mode an X is printedatthepositionwhereyou entered a stopcode Typing text at...

Page 66: ...ctiontabs shouldbesetin advance 2 Hold downtheCodekey andpress the 7 key A highlighted S appears on thedisplay 3 Press thePrintkey Therespective functionmodeis terminated Continue typingtext Typing te...

Page 67: ...s on thedisplay 3 Press the S key S appears on thedisplay 4 Type theword s you wantto search for You cantypea maximumof l8 characters includingspaces 5 PresstheIndexkey to search for from thecurrentcu...

Page 68: ...word s is found themessage NOT FOUND PRESSJ appears on thedisplay Pressthe Returnkey to cancelthefunction Global replacing This functionsearches for andreplaces all occulrences of the word s with anot...

Page 69: ...nk it deletes all occurrences of thesearched word s 8 Press thePrintkeyagain All occurrences of thesearched word s arereplaced with thenewword s Note To search for a specificword alwaysenterspaces bef...

Page 70: ...ress thc Express key The message Search Replace appears on thedisplay 3 Press the R key Themessage Global Manual appears on thedisplay 4 Press the M key S appears on thedisplay 5 Type theword s you wa...

Page 71: ...atstep9 for everyoccurrence of theword s Wttenthelastoccurrence of the word s is found themessage NOT FOUND PRESSJ appears on thedisplay Pressthe Returnkey to cancelthefunction Note If theword s enter...

Page 72: ...thefirst characterof thetext to be copied 3 Hold down thecode key andpressthe p key This marksthe beginningof theblock Two beepssound 4 Move thecursorto the lastcharacterof thetext to becopied As you...

Page 73: ...d 3 HolddowntheCodekeyandpress the P key Thismarksthe beginning of theblock Two beeps sound 4 Move thecursorto thelastcharacter of thetextto bemoved As you movethecursor characters contained in theblo...

Page 74: ...ngof theblock Two beepssound 4 Move thecursorto the lastcharacterof thetext to bedeleted As you move thecursor characters containedin theblock begin blinking 5 Hold down theCodekey andpressthe P key a...

Page 75: ...rnkey The carriermovesto theleft marginpositionof thatfile The message PAGELENGTH 54 HIT J appears on thedisplay If necessary changethepagelength See Settingthe Page Lengthof a TextFile section 54 is...

Page 76: on thepage specifiedby pagelength The message PRESSJ TO CONTINUE appears on thedisplay Inserta new sheetof paperandpresstheReturnkey to resumeprinting Whentheprintingof thetextfile hasbeencompleted...

Page 77: ...modeor JUSTmode 2 Press thePrintkey The message NAME OF FILE appears on thedisplay 3 Typethenameof thephrase file andpress theReturnkey A y appears above PRINT on thedisplayandthetypewriter startsto...

Page 78: ...Totemporarily stoptheprintout press thePrintkeyor Return key Themessage PAUSE PRESS J appears onthedisplay Press thePrintkeyorReturn keyagain toresume printing Tocancel theprintfunction press theSpace...

Page 79: ...f theblock Two beepssoundindicatingthe block of text hasbeendefined 6 Hold down theCodekey andpressthePrint key A r appears above PRINT andthe block of text is printedout When you print a block of tex...

Page 80: ...NAME OF FILE appears Note You canexit theSTOREmodeby pressing theMode key arany time 3 Typethefile name maximumof five letters numbers Then presstheReturnkey The message Text Phra Vari Form appears on...

Page 81: ...t tabstop position PresstheCorrectionkey to clearany stoppositionyou set The carrierreturnsto thepreviousstopposition 7 Repeatsteps5 and6 until you marktheall positionsyou want to storein thevariablef...

Page 82: ...paperreleaselever to releaseandalign thepre printed form 5 Type thevariableinformation at the first entryposition Note when thecarrierstopsat decimaltabstop centertab stop or flush right tab stop each...

Page 83: ...ORE modeby pressingthe Mode key at any time 2 Type thefile name niaximum of five letters numbers Then presstheReturnkey The message Text Phra Vari Forrn appears on thedisplay 3 Pressthe F key The mess...

Page 84: ...or JUST I Press thePrintkey Themessage NAME OF FILE appears on thedisplay 21Typethenameof theformatfile andpress theReturnKe1 Themarginandtabsettings in theformatfile is seron rhe typewriter Themessag...

Page 85: ...theCodekey andpresstheRight marginkey The message FILE TO COPY FROM appears on thedisplay 2 Type thenameof thefile to copy andpresstheReturnkey The message NAME OF NEW FILE appears on thedisplay 3 Typ...

Page 86: ...thedisplay before using thisfunction I HolddowntheCode keyandpress the 0 key Themessage NAMEOFFILE appears onrhedisplay 2 Type thenameof thefile to bedeletedandpresstheReturnkey The message DELETE CO...

Page 87: ...appears on thedisplay 2 Press the D key Thefile type TEXT PHRASE VARIABLE or FORMAT file name andthecharacters at the beginningof thefile appearon thedisplay You canscrollthecontents of theentirefile...

Page 88: ...elist thenumberof avairablecharacters andthe numberof storedfiles in memoryareprinted To temporarystopprinting presstheReturnkey The message PAUSE PRESSJ appears on thedisplay presstheReturn key to re...

Page 89: ...hefunction This functionclearsall files storedin memory Note This functioncannotbe usedwhile in theSTOREmode Exit the STORE modeandcleardisplaybeforeusingthis function I Hold downtheCodekey andpressth...

Page 90: ...tte I Turn theribbontakeup knobcounterclockwise to takeup any slackin theribbonbeforeinstallingtheribboncassetle Wheninstalling a newribbon wind pasttheleadportionof the cassette 2 Fit thetwo tabsat t...

Page 91: ...with theribbon you use Correctablecarbonribbon is selected for thefactory setting To selectthemulti strikeribbon hold down theCodekey andpress thekey to theleft of theRight shift key To selectthecorr...

Page 92: ...correctiontape Hold thetwo spoolswith your fingers 2 Carefullylower thecorrectiontapein betweentheribbonguides andthecardholder Note Make surethecoatedsideof thecorrectiontapefacesthecard holder 3 Fit...

Page 93: ...of theribbonguides Installing printwheel l Lightlygrasptheedgeof theprintwheel Carefullylowerit in betweentheprint headandtheribbonguides Note Make surethatthetypefacesidefacestheribbonguides 2 Pusht...

Page 94: ...ribboncassette besureto change theribbonselect in accordance with the ribbonyou use See Ribbonselect setting in How to Change Accessories chapter Correction tape Therearetwo typesof correctiontapesth...

Page 95: up to removetheleft sideof the platenfrom themainunit 5 Pulltheplatenknobto theleft soyoucanremovetheplaten s right shaftfrom themainunit Installing the platen I Openthepaperbailthenraisetheerasur...

Page 96: ...y a qualifiedservice technician Any malfunctioncaused bv maintenance performedby anyoneotherthanauthorizedservice technician will void thewarranrl If thetypewriterfailsto functionor doesnot functionpr...

Page 97: ...Printed in Indonesia 001 02401 01 950401 Yl AH4O...
