Matsushita Electric Works Fire & Security Technology AB
Rev: -
Operating Instructions EBL512, V1.44.x
User definable text messages download
When a fire alarm (an addressable alarm point) is activated, the
presentation number (Zone & Address) will be shown on the first row
in the control unit's and the ext. FBP's alphanumeric display. On the
second row will be shown a user definable text message if
The user definable text message will also be printed out when a printer
is available.
See also chapter "Fire alarm", page 30.
User definable text messages can also be shown in Display units
connected on the COM loops.
The texts, up to 40 alphanumeric characters, are created and
downloaded via
. See Planning Instructions, chapter "User
definable text messages".
(An "older" DOS based PC program NEWTEXT could also be used,
see Planning Instructions, chapter "Display units (addressable)".
See also Win512 help.
Download in Control unit
The user definable text messages, which are to be displayed in the
control unit's / ext. FBP's alphanumeric display, could be downloaded
in one control unit (for the whole the system).
A specific addressable alarm point will have the same user definable
text message in all control units / ext FBPs.
If a specific addressable alarm point has no individual text, a "default"
alarm text could be displayed. This default text could be different in
the different control units.
Download in Display unit
The user definable text messages, which are to be displayed in the
Display units connected on the COM loops, are to be downloaded in
each Display unit.
A specific addressable alarm point can have different user definable
text message in the different Display units.
If a specific addressable alarm point has no individual text, a "default"
alarm text could be displayed. This default text could be different in
the different Display units.
Ext. FBPs are connected to a control unit and they will display the same
texts that will be displayed in the control unit they are connected to.