Nailor 1210 Series Operations And Maintenance Procedures Download Page 1

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MODEL SERIES: 1210, 1220, 1260, 1270, 1280 AND 


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The current edition of NFPA 92, 

Standard for Smoke Control Systems

, classifies all systems used to address the impact 

of smoke from a fire as a Smoke Control System. Smoke control systems are categorized in two ways: as Smoke 

Containment Systems, the sub-classification of pressurization systems, and Smoke Management Systems, the sub-

classification of systems for large-volume spaces. These systems can be further classified as either a Dedicated Smoke 

Control System (installed for the sole purpose of providing smoke control) or a Non-dedicated Smoke Control System 

(shares components with another system [i.e. the building HVAC system] and changes the mode of operation to achieve 

smoke control).

Per NFPA 105, 

Standard for Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives

, periodic inspecting and testing and 

maintenance of Smoke Dampers shall also be in accordance with NFPA 92 and Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers shall 

meet the testing requirements prescribed in NFPA 80, 

Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives

. Consult 

your local building code to verify whether there is a required maintenance and testing schedule. Most local jurisdictions 

reference NFPA 105 for smoke dampers and NFPA 80 for combination fire/smoke dampers.

Periodic Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

Per NFPA 92, Dedicated Smoke Control Systems shall be tested at least semiannually and Nondedicated Smoke 

Control Systems shall be tested at least annually and dampers that are a part of these systems shall be cycled as part 

of this testing. Per NFPA 80, fire dampers (which includes Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers) shall be inspected 1 year 

after installation and then every 4 years, except for hospitals where the frequency is every 6 years. In addition to these 

requirements, NFPA 72, 

National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

, outlines periodic testing requirements for various types 

of fire alarm systems and components associated with these systems (i.e. Duct Smoke Detectors).

All requirements of testing for actuated smoke and fire/smoke dampers are to be conducted under normal HVAC airflow 


1.  Remove any obstructions, dirt, rust, corrosion, or other observed conditions that could impede proper damper operation. 

Clean damper blades and other moving parts if necessary. Use of a mild detergent or solvents is recommended for 

any cleaning required.

2.  Linkage and jackshaft bearing brackets should be lubricated with a dry lubricant (such as T.F.E. Dry Lube). Never use 

a regular lubricating oil on dampers, as it will attract dirt and grit. Blade linkage is concealed in the side jamb out of 

the airstream and is maintenance free. Bearings are self-lubricating oilite bronze.

3. Verify that appropriate power (voltage or pneumatic air pressure) is being supplied to the actuator. Check actuator 

and tighten the linkage or coupling as necessary. Refer to manufacturer’s recommended maintenance procedure for 

pneumatic and electric actuators.

4. All inspections and testing shall be documented indicating the location of the damper, date of inspection, name of 

inspector, deficiencies detected, and how deficiencies were corrected.

5.  Remote Testing: According to the most recent versions of NFPA 80 and NFPA 105, Actuated Smoke and Combination 

Fire/Smoke Dampers only need to be visually tested at the initial testing during commissioning. This inspection will 

confirm that the position indication method accurately reflects the full-open and full-closed position of the damper. 

From this point, all following inspections can be done remotely with the use of the position indicator switches.
