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(Revised 2011-11-15)
Page 146 of 169
CLI Commands, Continued…
Show or Set Port Configuration
Command Name
Show or set Port configuration.
[-show] [-admin state] [-sd auto | 10h | 10f | 100h | 100f | 1000f]
[-flow state] [-fhp state] [-dp prio] [-dscp state] [-8021p state] [-pvid vid]
[-ual percent] [-uah percent] [-security state] portno
Port number to configure or show. Specify ―all‖ to show all ports.
Show configuration.
-admin state
Set the admin status for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).
Set the speed and duplex mode for the port.
auto = enable auto-negotiation
-flow state
Set the flow control for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).
-fhp state
Set force high priority for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).
Set the default QOS priority for the port. The range is 0-7.
-dscp state
Set the DSCP Priority for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).
-8021p state
Set the 802.1p Priority for the port to e(nabled) or d(isabled).
Set the VLAN ID for the port. The range is 1-4094.
-ual percent
Set the usage alarm low percentage. The range is 0-100.
-uah percent
Set the usage alarm high percentage. The range is 0-100.
-security state
Set the security status for all supported ports to e(nabled) or d(isabled).
N-TRON/Admin> port –sd 100f –flow enabled –dp 7 –pvid 2 5
Port Port Admin Link Auto Port Dupl Flow Force Def Port
No Name Status Stat Nego Spd Mode Control High Pri Pri State PVID
---- ---- -------- ---- -------- ---- ---- -------- -------- --- ---------- ----
5 TX5 Enabled Down Disabled 100 Full Enabled Disabled 7 Disabled 2
Changes have been made that have not been saved.