Manufacturers of Quality
Sewer & Drain Cleaning
Equipment since 1957
Factory Direct Customer Service
M –F 7am – 5pm CST
Competent • Polite • Clear
746 Selby Ave • St. Paul MN, 55104
fax: 651.222.1739
RL8873 Receiver/Locator
RT8872 Transmitter
User Manual
Electric shock hazard:
• Tool is designed to detect
electromagnetic field emitted from
Camera Sondes and buried metallic util-
ities. There are buried cables, pipes, and
utilities this instrument CANNOT detect.
• LOCATING is not an exact science. The
only certain way to be sure of the exis-
tence, location, or depth of buried utilities
is to carefully expose (dig up) the utility.
• De-energize any circuits in or around the
work area.
• Do not expose tool to rain or moisture.
• Use tool only for intended purpose as
described in this manual. Failure to
observe these warnings could result in
severe injury or death.
Note: MyTana sells each of these products
separately, or as a package (RL8800)
You may receive this manual if you have
purchased only one of the products– either
the Locator/Receiver or the Transmitter
Please inspect all products
carefully upon receipt.
• RL8873 Receiver / Locator
• RT8872 Transmitter
• Grounding Rod
• Transmitter Cable
• Batteries (already installed
in each device)