The myPV CommsSafe arrives ready to lift, position, and set. Here is what you can
expect to get prepared and avoid common mistakes.
Approximately two (2) weeks prior to any contracted shipment date, your Solar-Ops
Account Manager will contact the PO issuer to confirm delivery date, shipping address,
and receiving representative.
To change or verify shipping schedule and details please contact your Solar-ops
Account Manager.
The Customer is responsible for receiving and unloading of all equipment deliveries.
The myPV CommsSafe will arrive in a sealed box - and is ready for installation as soon
as the package is opened.
Whenever possible, your Solar-Ops Account Manager will share tracking information
and put the driver directly in contact with the receiving party for receiving coordination.
Setting and Orientation
The myPV CommsSafe will be installed on the unistrut on site. This Unistrut will be the
center point for your my PV CommSafe as it will have the auxiliary power available for
the enclosure. The orientation of the myPV CommsSafe should ideally facing towards
the North East direction and have clearance to open the swing panel door.