Programming Manual SONIC
What does the "Not Saved or Set from Total Preset" note mean?
There are two situations where you see this message:
As long as an unmodified footswitch preset is active, the name of the footswitch preset is in the
name field. If a foot switch is now assigned with a new function, the name will switch to "Not saved
or set from Total Preset". So it shows you that these footswitch settings have not yet been saved in a
footswitch preset.
If a total preset is called, where a special assignment of the foot switches has been stored and no
footswitch preset is selected, this message is also displayed.
Occupying foot switches with other functions
The foot switches can be assigned with many different functions.
First, select which foot switch you want to add a new function to. This is done by pressing the
appropriate foot switch on the display.
In our example above, the left foot switch on the expression pedal is selected.
To use a different function with this foot switch, simply press the area where the name of the current
function is displayed. In this case, "Sustain Upper”.