User manual 55530_hdb_en_16
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PROFINET IO Communication
IEC 61784-2
PROFINET IO is an open communication protocol that complies with IEC
61784-2. The communication protocol is based on Ethernet.
Data exchange
Data is exchanged between the control unit, referred to as the PROFINET IO
Controller, and connected users, which are called PROFINET IO devices.
Communication is based on a full-duplex Ethernet network running at
100 Mbit/s. IO controllers and IO devices communicate by means of Ethernet
telegrams. Devices exchange data cyclically based on the provider-consumer
principle. Devices function as receiver (consumer) and transmitter (provider)
at the same time.
The IO controller sends output data to the IO devices and receives input data
from the IO devices. The IO devices send input data and receive output data.
Other components of the communication protocol include telegrams in form of
acyclic communication for parameter transfer and read/write access to the
I&M data or manufacturer-specific features.