WAI-94032B page 1 of 4
WAI Series
Get the Same Original Equipment
Specified by Major OEM’s
Swichgage Instruments Include
Built-in Light Pipe Illumination
Prewired and Ready to Install
Alarm Only Model Saves Money on
Applications Not Requiring Shutdown
Available for 12 or 24 Volts
WAI Series Murphy panels offer engine pro-
tection for on and off road mobile equipment.
You get accurate engine readings and time-
delayed automatic shutdowns. Flashing light
and mini-siren signal a warning before the
shutdown. Alarm-only panels (without shut-
down capabilities) are also available.
WAI panels are easy to install and function
test without the need for expensive auxiliary
equipment. Each is a cost competitive and
effective system for engine protection.
The WAI Series Panels are complete diagnos-
tic, engine-protection systems. Any vehicle or
engine can be monitored and in case of poten-
tially damaging conditions an alarm will oper-
ate before the engine is shut down. WAI Panels
feature direct-reading, mechanical Swichgage
instruments (gauge and limit switch in one)
and Selectronic relays and alarms. Swichgage
instruments are internally lighted for night illu-
Models Available
Completelly enclosed and with con-
venient under-dash mounting provides
Swichgage instruments for low oil pressure
and high coolant temperature; visual and
audible alarms before automatic shutdown.
Includes a 270°pivoting, mounting bracket.
Same as WAI-2 panel with a 3rd
Swichgage instrument for block coolant
pressure (0-15 psi).
Same as WAI-2 panel with a 3rd
Swichgage instrument for transmission tem-
perature (140-300°F).
Open style panel same as WAI-2.
Open style panel provides
Swichgage instruments for low oil pressure,
coolant pressure and high coolant tempera-
ture; visual and audible alarms before auto-
matic shutdown.
Open style panel same as WAI-8
with transmission temperature Swichgage
instrument instead of coolant pressure.
Open style panel similar to WAI-7
but for alarm-only.
Trucks, buses, fork lifts, loaders, earth-
movers–any engine powered mobile unit,
such as delivery vans, farm and construction
equipment, street sweepers.
A limited warranty on materials and workmanship
is given with this FW Murphy product. A copy of
the warranty may be viewed or printed by going to
Revised 05-06
Catalog Section 30
Shutdown Panels for
Mobile Equipment of All Kinds