AUTOSTART 710 (AS710S) series
The Autostart 710 provides the control features needed for
the automatic start, load transfer and shutdown of a
standby generator or pump. Microprocessor technology
allows the Autostart 710 to be programmed for use in a
wide range of engine and generator control applications.
Key features
Automatic or manual operation, selected by key-switch
or optional rotary switch.
32 character, back-lit liquid crystal display (LCD), showing
operating mode, system status, timer information,
generator RPM/Hz., oil pressure and engine temperature
Full programmability of engine control options, timers,
trip levels, fault options and input/output configurations
Comprehensive fault protection and alarm system:-
low oil pressure and high engine temperature alarms
(using analogue or switch sensors), engine overspeed
and underspeed, emergency stop, start fail, charge fail,
high and low battery voltage, 3 programmable fault inputs.
6 programmable outputs, each configurable to one
of over 30 function types.
Pin compatibility with Keystart 9700 range, allowing
standardisation of panel wiring
The AS710’s operating mode is selected by use of a 3
position switch:–
Off/reset. Removes power from the unit, disabling
the engine and resetting a latched fault condition.
Automatic start-up, load transfer and return to
standby in response to a mains fail or remote
start condition, with full fault protection.
Manual start and stop of the generator, either
immediately on selecting manual mode or by
use of remote push button switches.
Green and amber LEDs around the switch indicate the
selection of Auto or Manual modes. On keyswitch versions,
the key is common to all units and is removable in the Off
and Auto positions only.
Control Outputs
The following outputs are provided:-
Single pole, swve relay outputs for the control
of engine fuel and starter motor circuits.
Swve outputs for signalling auto and manual
modes, plus a –ve DC output for Off/reset.
6 function programmable outputs (see overleaf).
Fault Protection and Alarm System
In Auto or Manual modes, Autostart shuts down and latches
out the generator on detection of low oil pressure, high engine
temperature, overspeed, start fail or emergency stop faults.
The Autostart may also be set up to shut down the generator
on a low generator frequency or speed condition.
3 additional inputs may be used with remote fault switches
(giving a ‘shutdown’ or ‘warning’ response), or as control
inputs with remote contacts or panel switches (see overleaf).
Non-latching, 'warning only' alarms are provided for high and
low battery volts, charge fail and mag. pickup fail conditions.
The Generator Controls Division of
Issue 8, revised 06/99
Catalogue section 75
Product Specification
Power supply:
Operating voltage: steady state range
crank brown-out
5 – 40 V DC continuous,
to 0 V for <= 100 mSec
Current consumption
typically 150 mA
DC inputs (inputs 1 - 5, mains fail):
positive input voltage range
80% to 100% of bve
negative input voltage range
–1V to +2V w.r.t. battery –ve
Generator AC input:
operating voltage range
90 – 300 V AC rms
frequency measurement range
0 – 99 Hz.
Magnetic pickup:
operating voltage range
7 – 80 V AC rms
frequency measurement range
0 – 10 kHz
(all ratings for resistive load)
Start and fuel relays
+ ve DC (switched SPNO contact)
16A max. @ 24 V DC
Programmable outputs 1 – 3
– ve DC (open collector transistor)
250mA max. @ 33 V DC
Programmable output 4
– ve DC (switched SPNO contact)
5A max. @ 24 V DC
Programmable output 5
(default setting: common alarm)
+ ve DC (switched SPNO contact)
5A max. @ 24 V DC
Programmable output 6
(default setting: gen. contactor)
volt free SPNO relay contacts
5A max. @ 240 V AC
Auto & Manual outputs
+ ve DC (switched), 250 mA max.
Off/reset output
– ve DC (switched), 250 mA max.
Overall dimensions (W x H x D)
96 x 96 x 162 mm
Panel cut-out size
DIN standard 92 x 92 mm
approx. 650 g
Operating ambient temperature
–10 to +55
Case sealing
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full
featured products, we reserve the right to change our
specifications and designs at any time.