Dehumidifier ML420-MLT1400
There is also an operator panel with a display on the control unit. During normal operation, the display
shows the current measured air humidity.
Different parameters can be set using the push buttons on the panel. Examples are settings for air humidity,
controller limits and alarm limits.
The control unit constantly receives a signal from the humidity transmitter, and controls the air humidity
by regulating the power to the unit reactivation heater in one or two steps. In the event of two heater steps,
a basic step 2/3 of the reactivation output is achieved, after which 1/3 of the reactivation output can be
controlled as a following step.
The control unit is provided with a potential free contact to which an external alarm device can be
connected. The external alarm is activated together with the internal alarm.
1.6.4 Setpoints and control parameters
Checking and changing setpoints and control parameters can be made during operation or in stand-by mode.
Figure 1.2 Operator panel
Display/change a certain value and reset the alarm
Increase the value
Decrease the value
% RH
: Display position of control steps for reactivation heater (0 = off; 1 = on).
During normal operation and in any position of the mode switch the current relative air humidity is
Damage due to incorrect adjustment of the system may invalidate the warranty.